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181 measures for better regulation and business environment were realized

Theninth report of the Single Collection Measures included the state of implementation from September to December 2016. The subject of report were mainly measures for which ministries predicted that their realization will be possible in 2016 and measures which have otherwise long-term output but the ministries carried out activities which are necessary for their completion.

The realization rate of measures (318) set by the Single Document is the following:
- 181 have been realized (56,92 %),
- 110 partly realized (34,59 %),
- 27 not realized (8,49 %).

Within the 9th reporting period, the Single Collection of Measures was supplemented with 26 measures (priority measures of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia), of which 19 are new ones. Additionally realized measures in the reporting period is 17.

A comparison of progress between 8th and 9th reporting shows that the progress is suitable, as the Single Collection of Measures is constantly updated with new measures, realization of the planned measures is growing, as well as the measures for which ministries carry out activities in the direction of their realization, while it is important to reduce the number of measures where activities haven´t started yet.