The 8th report - Single Collection of Measures

By the end of September 2016, the eighth report on the state of implementation from May to August 2016 was finished. The realization rate of measures set by the Single Document is the following: out of 299 measures, 164 have been realized (54,85 %), 103 partly realized (34,45 %) and 32 not realized (10,70 %).

The ninth report on the state of implementation from September to December 2016 is planned for January 2017.

The differences in the implementation rates are not due to lack of reporting since reporting takes place 3 times per year, while the Single Document provides a dynamic method of reporting - ministries can report on the status of realization at all times. In addition, the Single document was supplemented in August 2016 with the measures from the Industrial policy manifesto. Currently, the process of complementarity is undergoing from the set of proposals of Slovenian craft, small business agenda and proposals for increasing foreign direct investment.

As for high proportion of the measures, the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning stand out. These measures derive mostly from the Development Strategy of the Public Administration and Framework of the transition to a green economy. The Single document was complemented with them in January 2016. Both, the government and individual ministries are aware of the measures as well as of the importance to meeting deadlines for their implementation.